Allstar Prep 2024-2025 information!
The Stingray Allstars Prep Assessment Packet 2024-2025
ALLSTAR PREP (aka Half year) 2024-2025
Thank you for your interest in our Allstar Prep Program. Our Prep Program is designed to offer competitive Allstar Cheer to athletes that are new to cheerleading or who may be unable to commit to our full year program. Allstar Prep can be a perfect stepping stone for an athlete that wishes to become a part of The Stingray Allstars full year program. It also offers a competitive team for those that only wish to compete for a partial season.
Come be a part of THE “One of a Kind” experience!
The teams will consist of Levels 1-2 for tumbling and 1-3 stunting. Athletes’ born between 2006-2017. No skills or experience required!
- Monday November 18th 5:00-6:00pm.
- Tuesday November 19th 5:00-6:00pm
- Wednesday November 20th 5:00-6:00pm
- Thursday November 21st 5:00-6:00pm
- You must attend one of assessments to be placed on a team.
- Team rosters and practice information will be emailed on November 25th. *Please make certain we have your active email address.*
- All practices will begin the week of December 2nd.
Remember! This is a PLACEMENT and NOT A TRYOUT, it is a skills assessments and no specific skills are required to participate in the program. We will create teams based on who is assessed. Questions? Please feel free to email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible! We would love to talk to you about our program!
What is the time commitment?
- Practice schedule:
- All team will practice one day through the week (Monday-Thursday), either 5:00-7:00pm or 6:00-8:00pm
- All teams second practice will be on Friday.
- There will be 2-3 additional practices/choreography sessions on Saturdays as needed. We will release each team specific schedule further into the season.
- All athletes are expected to be at EVERY practice. Any absences must go through your team coach. Unexcused absences will result in dismissal from your team.
- First practices will begin the week of December 2nd.
- All team will participate in 1 showcase and 2 competitions in March/April!
What is the financial commitment?
- A non-refundable payment of $215.00 is due at your assessment. This will go towards your first month’s tuition (December).
- Monthly tuition is $215.00 for December, January, February, March and April. Everyone is responsible for all 5 months of tuition, there is no pro-rating of this fee even if you are placed on a team late.
- Monthly tuition includes; all team practices, a once weekly one-hour tumble class (please schedule through the front office), choreography/music, competition fees, gym wide t-shirt, competition bow and uniform rental fee.
- At the end of the season the uniforms will be available for purchase for an additional $250.
Mandatory Items:
- Briefs
- Sports bra
- White cheer shoes
- Coaches will also provide you information on how to do your hair and make-up.
- *USASF registration Fee
Optional Items:
- 2 practice wear outfits and a bow to match. Each outfit will have a designated practice day.
- Stingray backpack, (while this item is not mandatory, it is the only bag that you are allowed to carry at competitions).
Allstar Prep Calendar:
- November 14th Optional Parent Meeting 6pm
- November 18th-21st Allstar Prep Assessments
- November 25th 30th Gym closed Thanksgiving Break
- December 2nd Team practices start
- December 23rd-January 15th Gym closed for Christmas/New Years Break
- January 6th Practices Resume
- March 22nd Victory (Dalton,Ga)
- April 7th-11th Gym Closed for Spring Break
- April 19th Champions League (Atlanta, Ga)
**All Mandatory and Optional items must be ordered through our pro shop,
Full Out Sports, as all logos are a registered trademark of
The Stingray Allstars
No replications of any logos are allowed**
If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
Andy Schultz